
Our services combine a brand building program with social media design and management to ensure that you are not only communicating to your customers on the channels they are using, but also maintaining a consistent voice and presence that your customers can identify and relate to.

Brand Strategy

A strong brand platform is essential to building a brand that is relevant in the market place and differentiated from competitors.  Branding Reason begins every brand strategy initiative with in-depth primary market research to ensure that we know everything about your brand and industry before we begin your project.  From here, we lay out a path to develop your brand's unique positioning, voice, personality profile and audience profile.  The result is a strong, consistent persona that stands out from the crowd and that customers will be able to form a lasting bond with.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is far more than just Facebook and Twitter and it is not about selling your products.  Social media is about leveraging a series of tools in order to better serve and connect with your target audience.  Based on a needs assessment of your brand, Branding Reason will develop a marketing solution set that encompasses the following areas of social media:

Social Networks 

The principle tools of of social media, social networks provide the opportunity to communicate with your audience and for them in turn to communicate back with you.  Use of these sites will revolve around engaging your audience, forming conversations, improving customer service and providing original and useful content for your fans.

Content Creation and Aggregation

In addition to creating your own original content and intellectual property, there is a wealth of additional information you can provide to your readers. These tools will aid you in culling that data and feeding it to your audience in a way that presents you as a valuable resource for industry news.

User Review and Local Search Websites

These are the sites your customers turn to first when looking for a restaurant, shop or vendor and they are the places they go to after to write reviews and tell their friends about their experiences.  Owning your presence here allows you to provide potential customers with the most detailed information possible and respond to user reviews and critiques.  It is also the best way to humanize your brand and increase customer retention.

Location-aware Applications

The newest set of social media tools revolve around empowering and creating brand loyalists.  Through a series of special promotions, you can incentivize your audience to return on a regular basis while broadcasting their location to all their friends and family members. 

Group Buying

Gap's Groupon deal brought in more sales and PR in one day than any other campaign.  Group buying allows you to increase exposure in your metropolitan area and offers new customers the chance to try out your service for a fraction of the cost.  Wow them now and they'll return with friends.

Search Engine Optimization

Google is constantly changing the way it catalogues search but inbound links from social media sites never fail to boost your rankings.  Branding Reason will employ a selection of white hat tricks to optimize your site for web crawlers and maximize inbound links to your homepage.

Marketing Your Web Presence

Build it and they won't necessarily come.  No one sits at home and searches over and over for their local businesses on Facebook.  Branding Reason makes it easy for your customers to learn about your social media presence and why they should be interested.  We'll teach you how to advertise your social presence through print, direct marketing, and point of purchase, as well as integrating social widgets on your homepage.

Training or Management

Once your presence is created it has to be kept up.  Branding Reason can train your internal staff to manage your social media presence or if you'd like we can manage it for you long term.