Friday, May 21, 2010

Staying Abreast While Making Headway

Success! Five months later and I'm finally writing my first post. For me that seems like an eternity, but apparently I may be right on track. Just today I was reading an article on the blog Digitally Approved called "Graduating with an Edge" in which the author discussed three tips to landing a new job, one of which is writing a personal blog. In the article the author states it may take a couple months to find your voice, but the important part is just starting. So here I am, having done just that, and hopefully this will sync in as part of my routine.

As it stands, my daily routine is already overflowing, as nearly all can relate to, with a large portion of my day spent updating myself on the latest trends, technologies and major players in my field. 
  • New books are published every month (I'm currently reading Socialnomics by Erik Qualman)
  • Fodder for case studies and blog articles occurs every week (the Apple v. Adobe "feud" is like marketing reality TV - edited for dramatic effect, completely over-hyped by the media and a guilty pleasure for tech junkies like me)
  • Podcasts are posted to my iTunes subscriptions daily (I'm a huge fan of Cnet and CnetTV, especially Loaded, hosted by Natali Del Conte, and Buzz Report, hosted by Molly Wood, and these shows provide me with a decent helping of tech news accompanied with a spoonful of humor to help it go down)
  • Blog feeds populate my reader on an hourly basis (I subscribe to, and actually read, over 20 blogs spanning technology, marketing, branding, social media and a few other personal interests). 
And all of this work is done just to make sure we stay relevant in a rapidly evolving field. To become a leader, we also need to produce new content ourselves - write a blog, a book, or a case study, design a new piece of software or an app, or most importantly create beautiful work for a prominent client. That is why I sit here today writing this blog, to continue to grow my position as a contributor to the field, one step at a time.

I think it is safe to say that we all want to have our voices heard and be respected for the work we accomplish.  I'm very lucky to have some really exciting projects in the future and you can be sure that this blog will become a sounding board for cast-aside ideas, fascinating inspirations and revolutionary finds.  

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