Businesses always place far too much importance on names. That's why it always strikes me as funny when a company either spends thousands developing a name, or better yet, hopes that a new name can save a failed, unwanted or late to the party product. That's what Comcast appears to be doing. Noticing that some of it's largest competitors have bundled new services under umbrella names like AT&T's U-Verse and Verizon's Fios, Comcast has decided to rebrand its current suite of offerings as Xfinity. The problems are as such:
- It's most likely too late to jump on the bundling band wagon craze
- Early and mid adopters who wanted to bundle already have and are in contracts
- Their services haven't changed, so there's no reason for current customers to upgrade accept price, if there is even a price discount
- Since bundling and receiving television and phone digitally over broadband are old concepts, there's no excitement factor for the name the garner
And that's the sad truth of it. Hopefully Comcast isn't relying on this name to do anything spectacular and realize that they are just playing catch up. We'll know soon by the amount of marketing and PR they put behind it.
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